"Mr. Robot" creator Sam Esmail joins Gazelle, Matt, and Jen for a candid conversation about season 2 of the USA series.
WARNING: Don't listen to this episode if you're concerned about spoilers for seasons 1 & 2 of "Mr. Robot."
Dana Stevens, Laura Miller, and Mike Pesca discuss the film The Revenant, Marie Kondo's latest book for wannabe neat freaks, and whether profanity exposes a worldview. The Slate Culture Gabfest is brought to you by BollandBranch.com, the...
59 Min
Jan 6, 2016
Health-related jobs in areas such as home health care and hospitals will grow by about 3.7 million jobs by 2026, according to a new report released by the Labor Department. The Wall Street Journal's Sharon Nunn has the latest on further jobs growth.
3 Min
Oct 27, 2017
28 Min
Feb 17, 2016