As the first superhero movie directed by and starring a woman, WONDER WOMAN went into its opening weekend with more baggage than its male-centric peers. It came out of the weekend with critical raves and record box office - and at least one member of the Larsen household practicing Diana-inspired high-kicks. On this week's show, Adam and Josh - bound by the Lasso of Hestia - share their takes, then confess their Top 5 Movie Religious Experiences. Plus, Adam's conversation with "Krisha" director Trey Shults, whose new film "It Comes At Night" opens this weekend.
0:00-1:56 - Billboard
1:56-31:17 - Review: "Wonder Woman"
Secret Sisters, "You Don't Own Me Anymore"
34:06-46:43 - Notes / Massacre Theatre
46:43-1:14:27 - Interview: Trey Shults
Secret Sisters, "Tennessee River Runs Deep"
1:17:36-2:03:20 - Top 5: Movie Religious Experiences
2:03:20-2:05:55 - Close
Dana Stevens, Laura Miller, and Mike Pesca discuss the film The Revenant, Marie Kondo's latest book for wannabe neat freaks, and whether profanity exposes a worldview. The Slate Culture Gabfest is brought to you by, the...
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Health-related jobs in areas such as home health care and hospitals will grow by about 3.7 million jobs by 2026, according to a new report released by the Labor Department. The Wall Street Journal's Sharon Nunn has the latest on further jobs growth.
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