Stay informed of breaking news throughout your day with senior editor John Wordock of The Wall Street Journal. Listen to critical news and engaging interviews, featuring executives, economists and notable WSJ editors discuss business, markets, politics and more.
David Plotz and Emily Bazelon are joined by Slate's editor-in-chief, Jacob Weisberg, to discuss the third Presidential debate and the possible danger zones that exist for an opinionated journalist, like Amy Goodman, covering a protest.
0 Min
Oct 20, 2016
How did Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein become a presidential hatchet man?
24 Min
May 10, 2017
Slate Money on the currency crisis in Russia, a reversal of the swaps "push-out" rule, the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures, and U.S.-Cuba relations.
35 Min
Dec 20, 2014