Welcome to the Calling All Beings Network of Friends! In the wake of t...
Dr Karl’s a curious optimist – a great combination for a science lover...
A podcast that could change the way you see reality.
TECH_FM je program propagujúci vedu a nové technológie. Vzniká v spolu...
Join WEEU legend Jack Holcomb as he covers everything to do with birds...
Exploring the coolest and most incredible stuff in science, from way b...
Zweimal im Monat erscheint eine neue Folge des Kortizes-Podcasts, gest...
我們都曾經歷過 因為經驗不足 把事情給搞砸 被K了一頓 或是 損失超慘重 的 情況 而當我們終於知道有更好的作法時 心中常常會暗自說 哇哩...