Every house is haunted. In each episode of “Family Ghosts,” we'll investigate the true story behind a mysterious figure whose legend has followed a family for generations. Grandmothers who were secretly jewel smugglers, uncles who led double lives, siblings who vanished without a trace...these specters cast shadows over our lives in ways that might not be immediately obvious. But we are all formed in part by our familial collections of secrets, intrigues, and myths. By engaging with each others’ legends, perhaps we can see each others’ realities more clearly.
Hosted by Moth Grand Slam winner Sam Dingman, whose stories have been featured on Risk!, TBTL, Benjamen Walker's Theory of Everything, and The Moth Radio Hour.
Producer Odelia Rubin talks to Hubby Jenkins (Carolina Chocolate Drops) about blending music with history.
29 Min
Sep 12, 2018
Producer Jennifer Lai in conversation with graphic novelist Thi Bui.
34 Min
Aug 29, 2018
Season 1 storyteller Mark Pagan (Lookin' Good, Charlie) shares a new piece from his podcast "Other Men Need Help."
Producer Veralyn Williams talks to Tayari Jones, author of An American Marriage.
Producer Jacob Smith sits down with best-selling author and "Revisionist History" host Malcolm Gladwell.
Producer Jayson De Leon talks to singer-songwriter Josh Ritter about the ways his music influenced Season 1 of Family Ghosts.
A big announcement about the future of our show, plus a conversation with prize-winning journalist Steve Fishman, host of "Empire on Blood."
Micaela is haunted by a recurring dream - a vision from her family's harrowing past.
Mark's only memories of his father are tender, stubbly hugs and an old leather shaving kit.
Jill grew up hearing the terrifying legend of "the crazy man from Mississippi." But as an adult, she starts to question her mom's version of the story.
When Nick's grandfather died in 1994, something bizarre happened: his aunt Susan stole the body and hid it.
Everything changed for Caila on June 22, 2010. On today's episode, she finally confronts the truth about what happened that night.
One afternoon in 1961, a mysterious woman in sunglasses wandered into my grandfather's jewelry shop and stole his heart. Two years later, she vanished without a trace.
Coming soon from Panoply, it's Family Ghosts - the legends we can't forget, but don't always want to remember.