32 Min Released Feb 16, 2017

Kylie Vs Kylie, Fifty Shades Darker, And Stephen Miller's Voice

This week on “Lady Problems,” the MTV News podcast dedicated to pop culture’s treatment of women, Hazel Cills and Teo Bugbee co-host alongside Rachel Handler. First, we take to the streets of New York to visit Kylie Jenner's pop-up shop and ask the important questions, like, "Do you know who Kylie Minogue is?" and "What would Abraham Lincoln think of Kylie Jenner?" Then we delve into Fifty Shades Darker, trying to figure out what the actual fuck this movie is and how it relates (or doesn't) to our favorite BDSM films of yore. Later, we talk to our friend Katie McDonough from Fusion about her piece that asks, "Why does Stephen Miller sound like such a dick?"

Lady Problems

Lady Problems

Lady Problems is MTV's weekly look at how pop culture is treating women. Hint: “poorly.”

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